Friday, February 27, 2009

My favourite/ least favourite famous people

A) My favourite famous hero is definitely Batman because he keeps peace within Gotham by making criminals fear him which causes them to think twice about breaking the law. He is definitely the best hero ever.

My Favourite Villain is the shark in Jaws. The shark in the movie causes fear to strike the viewer and the characters in the movie without even having to do much at all. He does this by waiting around their boat and attacking at random times so everyone is always on their toes at all times.

B) My Favourite Scientist is Albert Einstein. This is because he answered some of the most asked questions in science ever, in a very short amount of time. He solved the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity all in a relativly short amount of time.

C) My favourite actor is by far Adam Sandler. He is my favourite because he has been in some of the funniest movies of all time, such as: Billy Madison, Mr.Deeds and Happy Gilmore. He is truly a great and funny guy.

My Favourite actress is Jennifer Aniston because she is an extremely talented actress. Almost all of the films she has starred in do very well and are very quality movies, such as: Office Space, The Master of Disguise and The Break Up. She also starred in the hit sitcom "Friends".

D) My least favourite sports star is definitely Alex Rodriguez because he used steriods and is way too full of himself. He admitted to using steriods last year and I think he should have been suspended for an entire season as punishment. I also find he thinks he is the greatest baseball player of all time whenever he speaks to the press by sometimes bragging.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is the picture I made on I chose to put my face in this picture because Beverly Hills cop is an amazing movie and that made me want to put my face over Eddie Murphy's face. In my opinion it turned out pretty good. The only thing I would change would be to get a better picture since the size of my picture was a little bit out of proportion. The person's face that mine is pasted over is that of Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy is one of my favourite actors because he is hilarious in all of his movie's. My favourite part of creating this picture was choosing the celebrity to paste my face over.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today is Friday, partyyyyyyyyy. The Band of The day is "a perfect circle". Recommended song, Weak and Powerless, by a perfect circle. Play the games on my blog page, my favourite is super crazy guitar man. It's fun. Bxrxxxxaxxxnxxxdxxxoxxxxn should not be emo.