Friday, June 12, 2009

The Last Blog!

1) I really liked the blogging days this semester, it gave us a chance to get out of the classroom.
2)My favourite blog this semester was the "face-in-hole" blog. It was funny and didn't require too much work.
3)My least favourite blog was the valentines day blog because it was long and boring.
4)A good blog you could use with next years class could be more youtube blogs because they were quite fun.
5)My favourite unit this semester was the how-to unit because we got to choose exactly what we were going to write on.
6)The least enjoyable part of the course was the famous person unit, this required a lot of writing.
7)My favourite famous person I studied was James Dean. He was an excellent actor and good to learn about.

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to...

A) My favourite how to video was definitely "cool your pop".

B)Cool your pop was my favourite because I'm always faced with the problem of only having warm pop or drinks, this will be the first thing I do the next time i get warm pop.

C)The tip that is the most important is putting the salt in the ice-water mixture. This tip allows the freezing temperature of the water to decrease and chill the pop much faster.

D) A thing that I would add to the video would be to tell the viewer to try the "cool your pop" technique on a larger scale, like a cooler. This would help to keep drinks super cold at parties.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Can You Picture It?

1) Rodman Philbrick was 27 years old when he first had a novel published.

2) Rodman Philbrick is an excellent writer because he puts things in his books unlike any other author and has an amazing imagination.



C)Little Face

D)Proov Girl

E)Monkey Boy

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cyber Intelligence

Cyber Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence is when technology or computers are programmed to think and process information for themselves and react to voice or their environment. A good example of this is robots. So far robots cannot completely think for themselves, they can only choose one of many other pre-programmed processes to react with according to its environment.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Famous People in Advertisinig

A)i) My favourite Celebrity Ad is definitely the one featuring Bart Simpson and Moe from the show "The Simpsons" showing the Butterfinger. This one is my favourite because it is humorous, colourful and has some very well known characters in it. I would definitely buy the product after seeing that.

ii) The advertisement that I like the least is the picture featuring Brad Pitt in a Toyota ad. This is because I dislike Brad Pitt and this would actually affect my choice to buy this product.

B) The Fact that celebrities earn that amount of money for just a few commercials is ridiculous. They should not be earning that much for such little work because it is not necessary and that money could have been used for much more useful things.

C)i) Celebrities have a huge influence over what products people buy. So much that companies have to watch out for who they get to endorse their product or they could suffer greatly.

ii) I think they control it way too much, people should not buy a product more or less just because the celebrity does something wrong which has no affect in the company at all.

iii) I think Kellogs was right to drop its endorsement with Michael Phelps for smoking marijuana because it would affect not only Michael's reputation but the company as well. This is because people associate celebrities and their sponsoring company way too much.


iii) For my famous person project I am studying Eddie Van Halen. I think he would endorse the Frankenstein Replica Guitar made by EVH Guitars because he is the person who originally created the guitar and played on it for years, it is a very famous guitar and many people have bought it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

My favourite/ least favourite famous people

A) My favourite famous hero is definitely Batman because he keeps peace within Gotham by making criminals fear him which causes them to think twice about breaking the law. He is definitely the best hero ever.

My Favourite Villain is the shark in Jaws. The shark in the movie causes fear to strike the viewer and the characters in the movie without even having to do much at all. He does this by waiting around their boat and attacking at random times so everyone is always on their toes at all times.

B) My Favourite Scientist is Albert Einstein. This is because he answered some of the most asked questions in science ever, in a very short amount of time. He solved the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity all in a relativly short amount of time.

C) My favourite actor is by far Adam Sandler. He is my favourite because he has been in some of the funniest movies of all time, such as: Billy Madison, Mr.Deeds and Happy Gilmore. He is truly a great and funny guy.

My Favourite actress is Jennifer Aniston because she is an extremely talented actress. Almost all of the films she has starred in do very well and are very quality movies, such as: Office Space, The Master of Disguise and The Break Up. She also starred in the hit sitcom "Friends".

D) My least favourite sports star is definitely Alex Rodriguez because he used steriods and is way too full of himself. He admitted to using steriods last year and I think he should have been suspended for an entire season as punishment. I also find he thinks he is the greatest baseball player of all time whenever he speaks to the press by sometimes bragging.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is the picture I made on I chose to put my face in this picture because Beverly Hills cop is an amazing movie and that made me want to put my face over Eddie Murphy's face. In my opinion it turned out pretty good. The only thing I would change would be to get a better picture since the size of my picture was a little bit out of proportion. The person's face that mine is pasted over is that of Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy is one of my favourite actors because he is hilarious in all of his movie's. My favourite part of creating this picture was choosing the celebrity to paste my face over.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today is Friday, partyyyyyyyyy. The Band of The day is "a perfect circle". Recommended song, Weak and Powerless, by a perfect circle. Play the games on my blog page, my favourite is super crazy guitar man. It's fun. Bxrxxxxaxxxnxxxdxxxoxxxxn should not be emo.